The Arts & Economic Prosperity Study #6 (AEP6) is a year-long study done in collaboration with Americans for the Arts and used to document the powerful role that creative industries play in initiating economic growth. All the data collected from the study can be a determining factor of how much funding creative industries all over the country will receive.

Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 delivers a clear and welcome message: when communities invest in arts and culture, they are not investing in community development at the expense of economic development. Rather, they are investing in an industry that stimulates the economy, supports local jobs, and contributes to building healthy, vibrant, and more livable communities. When we support the arts, we are investing in both Clackamas County’s economic and community well-being

In the recent study the Clackamas County arts and culture sector generated:

  • $26.1 million in economic activity during 2022
  • That economic activity supported 573 jobs
  • 87% of arts and culture attendees agree that the activity or venue where they were surveyed “is inspiring a sense of pride in this neighborhood or community.” 
Download the full AEP6 reports by clicking the cover sheet icons on this page. 

You can also download the “3-County Portland Area AEP6 Americans for the Arts Presentation.”


The Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 Study (AEP6) is an anonymous research study that tabulates the money we spend when we go to arts and cultural events. This information will help organizations communicate their value to civic leaders and local community residents.

Your anonymous answers will champion dynamic local arts and culture opportunities as well as the organizations that make them possible. Please take a moment to advocate for Clackamas County’s  arts and culture community!

Yes! It is impossible to connect your answers back to you.

The data will be used to create more opportunities for everyone in our community to experience arts and culture.

Simply answer the 13 questions as best as you can. It will only take 3 minutes. When finished, submit the survey digitally or return the paper survey to the person you got it from. Remember, all answers are anonymous. It is impossible to connect your answers back to you.

After the report is published in the Fall of 2023, our local arts and culture leaders will use the information to leverage arts funding to create more arts and culture opportunities and elevate the arts throughout  our community.
local community.